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Asynchronous discovery calls

Quickly download needs from your hiring manager without waiting weeks to get on their calendar
Fast Discovery
Don’t wait weeks to get a live discovery call on the books. Workparty's asynchronous discovery calls can be completed in mere minutes.
Real Talk
Hone in on the real needs and role requirements sooner and set expectations sooner. Preventing rework and recalibration calls.

Branded Career Site

Standout by sharing each client's culture and vision across all job descriptions, without writing a single line of code
Compete with giants
Show off the unique aspects of your client's culture, values, and mission with a branded career site that stands apart from standard Craiglist-like job boards
Dream team
Share the key players on each client's team to help candidates picture what work life will look like if they joined

Interview guides & assessments

Be a trusted partner in how to interview well and ensure your clients hire r‍
Prevent mishires
Be a trusted strategy partner by providing a clear POV on how to interview for roles outside of your hiring manager's area of expertise
Shorten the Process
Interview kits and rubrics power a more efficient process that prevents the neverending "just one more interview" syndrome.

Realtime market data

Keep the latest market compensation data at your fingertips
Offer Competitively
With up-to-date market compensation data, you can ensure your opening offer is competitive to the market
Reduce Budget Thrash
Plan more effectively with real-world, not year-old, data and prevent surprise budget misalignments

Request a personalized demo

Let us show you how Workparty can help you more efficiently place talent