Turn talent into your unfair advantage


Video Pitch

Introduce your team and company authentically by helping each hiring manager record a video pitch
Introduce your company
Build excitement for your mission and your leaders in an engaging way
AI powered
We use your video pitch to hone and refine the job description automatically

Hire roles outside your expertise

Quickly hone in on role level and critical skills that matter to you, and leave content generation to our AI models.
Learn from the best
If this is your first hire in that department, our industry experts can help you get up to speed quickly
Object oriented
Adjust skills, seniority and basic information with ease. No more copy/pasta.

Video Apply

Meet candidates face to face, asynchronously via a video cover letter
Understand Motive
See what gets each candidate excited about your company and the problems to solve
Identify Star Candidates
Quickly identify top candidates and fast track them before a live Zoom call

Workparty Plus is your shortcut to hiring like an industry leader


Branded Career Site

Standout by sharing your culture and vision across all job descriptions, without writing a single line of code
Compete with Giants
Show off the unique aspects of your culture, values, and mission with a branded career site that stands apart from standard Craiglist-like job boards
Share Your Team
Share who is on your squad and help candidates picture what work life will look like if they join your team.

Run perfect interviews

Steal the interview processes from industry leaders and get stronger data to back each hiring decision
Signal, Not Guesswork
Turn every team member into a super recruiter, with clear interview guides and shared understanding of success
Shorten the Process
Run a more efficient process that gives you stronger results than ever before

Magic Scheduling

Keep recruiting moving forward at light speed
Concierge Scheduling
No more Calendly, or back-and-forth emails and time zone math. Just share your calendar, and we’ll do the rest.
Timeline Management
Don’t lose the best candidates due to timeline mismatches. We’ll handle deadlines without breaking process.

Flawless Offers

Branded offers help you stand out and tell your story effectively
The Total Reward
Paint a complete picture — from salary and equity scenarios, benefits, and perks. Not just legal jargon.
Sell Your Vision
Branded offer letters walk through the why and shares your vision for the team to close top candidates.

Intelligent compensation

Keep the latest market compensation data at your fingertips
Offer Competitively
With up-to-date market compensation data, you can ensure your opening offer is competitive to the market
Reduce Budget Thrash
Plan more effectively with real-world, not year-old, data and prevent surprise budget misalignments

Sign, Sealed, Delivered

Run a high-touch new hire process, without having to touch a thing.
Contract Workflows
Ensure no one is left confused, and all contracts and documents are executed prior to start.
Build Excitement
Communicate and look like a Fortune 500 operation, with automated communications and data collection.

Picture Perfect First Days

Ensure every team member gets a unforgettable start to their new career
Swag, Handled
High quality, branded swag kits are included and automatically delivered to ensure new hires fit right in.
Onboarding SOP
Clear, cross-team SOPs ensure everyone knows what they need to do to support each new hire.

Start recruiting in under 5 minutes with Workparty